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Home Of The Sun Parlour Boat Club
For More Details, Visit Their Web Site Here

Commodore's Message

Welcome to our Website! Sun Parlour Boat Club is a group of old & new friends who like adventure & creating memories.

 Being out on the water is what boating is all about, and travelling with experienced boaters is one of the greatest benefits of belonging to our Club.  We have a number of “away” trips planned for this year as well as parties & events at our beautiful home marina, Holiday Harbour.  There is lots of fun for non-boaters as well.  We welcome all!

We are a member of the AYC (Associated Yacht Clubs) which has 32 affiliated clubs.  This association gives you access to club events at all AYC Facilities.  You can stay one or two nights, usually complementary, or just stop in for lunch & a drink, or just to get gas.  You will be welcomed as a member of their “club”.  We are also a member of the I-LYA (Inter Lake Yachting Association) with 135 affiliated clubs (some clubs are members of both – like us).

I believe we are in a transition year.  Our club has been run by the same core members for some time.  With an increase in our membership by 50% last year, we’ve had a lot of younger new members and I believe once they get to experience the great, long-lasting friendships and numerous experiences to be had, they will want to step up and embrace this club as their own.  We still have positions on our bridge open for 2025 and this is a great opportunity for some of our younger members to get involved. 

Come join us.

Commodore Marilyn St Pierre